Directors Newsletter November 2019

Dear Northminster Preschool Parents and Friends:

Our parent group meeting is Friday, November 8, 2019 at noon.  If you come to the meeting your child eats during lunch bunch for free! Please provide a lunch for them. Lunch will be served to the parents attending the meeting. We would love to see you there! 

We will be doing our second annual Kids’ Craft Workshop and Vendor Boutique on Saturday, December 7, 2019 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  We will be sending out a google doc soon and we need your help!  Please consider signing up for a craft table to help the children make crafts for decorations and/or Christmas gifts.  Thank you to the workshop committee for making this exciting event happen again this year! We will be auctioning off class baskets on December 7th as well.  Each class will have a basket theme and we are asking families to donate items to the basket to be auctioned off. Baskets to collect items will be in front of your child’s classroom from Nov. 18th-Dec. 3rd.  

Our first dine-n-donate is Thursday, November 21, 2019 at Souplantation in Clairemont, from 5:00pm-8:00pm.  Please consider going there for dinner. They will donate 20% of the proceeds to the preschool! Don’t forget to bring the flyer we will be distributing so our school gets the credit.

Our enrichment program this month is Eric Runningpath.  He is a Native American Dancer who does a show in Congdon Hall on November 

19th and 20tz . He dresses in full Native American regalia, dances and teaches the children about his culture.  He has been performing at the preschool for over 20 years.  You are more than welcome to come and watch! The show starts at 10:30 a.m.

We are also doing a food drive for CCSA, a community service agency that helps feed the homeless and those in need in the Clairemont area.  There will be a donation box inside the preschool office and in the church office until December 5th. The agency needs stuffing mix, canned fruit, canned cranberry sauce, chicken broth, mashed potato mix, canned green beans, canned gravy, cake mix, jello, bags of rice and bags of beans.  Please make sure the items you donate are not expired food items.  Thank you for your generosity!

We will be closed on Monday, November 11, 2018 in observance of Veteran’s Day. We will also be closed the week of November 25-29 for Thanksgiving break.

This is a month for giving thanks. I would like to thank all the parents who have brought in special snacks, volunteered, participated in the parent group meetings, signed up to help with fundraisers, and all of the other big and small things you do to help make Northminster a special preschool. The staff and I would like to thank you for sharing your children with us.  They are special, we love them, and our jobs!

Sharon Halle

Director's Newsletter October 2019

Happy October everyone!  We are getting into our routine of preschool with your children and hope that they are enjoying school as much as we are enjoying having them here!

The parent group meeting this month is Friday, October 11, 2019.      Please join us to meet other families and see what is going on at Northminster.  Remember, lunch bunch is free for your registered child if you attend the meeting.  

Open House is Friday, October 18, 2019 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.  All are welcome, including grandparents! Your children have been working hard and this is your first chance to really see how creative they are.  You will also have a chance to meet their friends and their families. We will be having an ice cream social put on by our parent group, depending on the weather! The Ice cream social and book fair will be a cash only event!


The classrooms are transforming as we speak, getting ready for that special day at the end of October.  We have a Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 30th and Thursday, October 31st around 9:20 a.m.  Please, no masks or weapons if you choose to have your child dress up. Ask your child’s teacher about their procedure for this event.  You are invited to stay and take pictures! This is one of our favorite events and you don’t want to miss it!

Our parent group fundraising allows us to have a special enrichment program each month.  This month we will have a Magic show on October 15th and October 16th at 10:30 a.m. in Congdon Hall.  You are welcome to come and watch the show! 

Reminder, please sign-in and out every day.  This is a state requirement as well as how we do our billing system.   Please make sure the times are legible and correct. Remember at the end of the month, the office reads 100+ time sheets.  We can only go by what we can decipher on the sheet for billing purposes. If your child is staying for lunch bunch and beyond please sign the lunch bunch sheet at the front of the folder, even if you are on contract.

I would also like to remind parents that you need to please keep your children home if they are sick.  The only way to keep your children healthy here is if you help us by keeping your children home when they are sick.  If they have a persistent cough and runny nose and are not feeling well, they need to stay home or see a doctor. If they have a fever, vomited, or have had diarrhea, they must be symptom free without medication for 24 hours before they are allowed back at preschool.  Please help us keep the children and staff at Northminster Preschool healthy!

Ouch reports are our way of telling you that your child got hurt at preschool. These are usually minor scrapes or bumps. We take safety, well-being and health of your child very seriously. If an injury happens that requires additional attention we will call you/emergency contact immediately. Otherwise rest assured that attention has been given to soothe and care for the child. 

Parents, a safety statement about our gates, please make sure you are only opening the gate for you and your child.  I understand wanting to be courteous to the other parents, but our number one priority at this preschool is safety.  We rely on our parents to keep a watchful eye when they are opening and closing the 4 gates we have entering our preschool.  Thank you for your understanding.

Please remember to sign in your child for lunch bunch. You will find the sign-in sheet inside the front cover of the folder for your classroom. Our goal at lunch bunch is to have your child eat their healthy options first. If they have a treat or juice box and are staying for nap they will be given water with lunch and then offered their treats after nap. As always you may include a water bottle in your child’s bag.

A lost and found bin has been placed on the playground near the cubbies. We already have a few items in it. If you missing clothing, barrettes, utensils or a water bottle please check there.

On October 24th Northminster Preschool will be hosting a Kindergarten Information Night.  We have invited local private, public and charter elementary schools as well as a representative from the SDUSD Choice Office.  Our school fair format allows you to ask questions about the schools in your area so you can figure out which one is a good fit for your family.  We only host this event every other year so be sure to stop by this year! 

We are still accepting vendors for our Kid’s Craft Workshop and Vendor boutique on Dec. 7th!  Please help us spread the word so we can make this event a huge success! All of the event information is our our website under events.  

It is because of parents like you that we are able to look at our school both inside and out and be proud of both the physical school and the teachers and staff who make it special.  I am extremely grateful to be the Director of Northminster Preschool. We have an amazing group of parents, children and staff here. We are so blessed! Thank you for all you do as parents to make it a pleasure to do my job. 

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please stop by the office.

Sharon Halle

Director's Newsletter September 2019

I am Sharon Halle and I became the director in July. We are looking forward to a wonderful school year with you and your children. I have been a teacher's assistant and a teacher here at Northminster for the past 10 years. So excited to continue to maintain Northminster Preschool’s incredible reputation. Please stop in the office and check out the new fresh appearance. I am always available if you have any questions or concerns and if not, please stop by to say hello!

Welcome back everyone and welcome to our new families at Northminster Preschool. We are so happy to see our returning students and all our new students.  

For those of you who are returning, I want to remind you that the preschool hours are 7:30 a.m until 5:00 p.m. If you are dropping of early and are here before 7:30 a.m. please stay with your child until 7:30 a.m. This will allow for the teachers to have the playground set up and ready for children at 7:30a.m. Any pick up after 5:00 p.m. is $3.00/minute. Extended care is held in Room 4 (Red doors) for room’s 2-4 and Room 1 (green doors) for room’s A, B,1A and 1B.  Pick up after 4:00 p.m. will be in Room 1 this year (green door). Please use the gate by the office after 4:00 p.m. as we will lock all other gates at 4:00.

Just a reminder that our aftercare program is full. Children staying for lunch bunch and not on contract will need to be picked by 1:00p.m.

All fees are collected by Smart Tuition.  Tuition is due on the first of each month, with a grace period until the 5th.  Tuition not processed on the 5th by smart tuition will be subject to a late fee of $65.00.  You can always go online to your account and make a one-time payment with your credit card or your debit card if you forget to mail your check in on time.  Please make sure you allow enough time for it to be received via the mail and processed.

Because of the billing system, extended care will be in arrears 2 months.  This means you will have an outstanding balance for extended care at least a month after services have already been rendered.

The Department of Social Services does not allow adult use of the preschool restrooms on the playground, or to be in the bathroom on the playground when other children are present.  If you need to use a restroom for your personal use, please ask a staff member where the adult restroom is located. Thank you for helping us to comply with the State of California Licensing requirements!

If you are coming to drop your child off at early morning, between 7:30 and 9:00 a.m., please make sure you check-in/sign-in with the teacher working early morning.  Once your child is signed in, he/she must stay on the playground.  If you come to the preschool before 9:00 a.m. but are not going to leave your child in early morning, please make sure you and your child remain off the playground.  It is very hard to keep track of which children are in early morning and which children are with their parents, if you are on the playground at the same time. Thank you for your understanding of our desire to keep this transition period safe for all the children.  The classrooms open at 8:55 a.m. Please remain outside the classroom until this time.

When you pick up your child at 12:00 p.m. please do not allow your child to play on the playground.  Our lunch bunch children are required to sit at the picnic table to eat their lunch for at least 20 minutes before they play.  It is confusing for the children at lunch bunch to see children playing on the playground when they are not allowed to do so.

On Thursdays and Fridays, you have the option to sign-up for snack.  We provide snack but since we are limited in the variety we can provide to 100 students, we have found that parents enjoy bringing something different or “special” for a day.  We have been told the children enjoy shopping and picking something out for their classmates. This is a voluntary sign-up. You do not have to participate. There will be snack calendars posted by your child’s door every month if you chose to participate.  The snack needs to be from 2 food groups. If you do bring a snack, please check with your child’s teacher for food allergies in the classroom. They have a list of food allergies and can let you know if there is a specific allergy in the classroom. We do not prepare any snack with peanuts in them.  We do, however allow peanut butter to be brought from home if your child is staying for lunch bunch. Also, we are requesting you bring healthy snacks for the children whenever you sign up for a snack. Thank you for helping us promote healthy eating habits!

On Friday, September 20, 2019, at 12:00 p.m. we will be having our first parent group meeting in the Fireside Room (by the office, off the kitchen).  All parents are welcome to come and share their fundraising ideas. We also have positions we need filled for the parent group. Your enrolled children can attend lunch bunch for free if you attend the meeting.  Our parent group is a vital part of the preschool and we welcome all new parents to attend. Thank you for your support!

As a reminder, we are diligent on proper hand washing techniques and sending children home who are sick.  We need your help this flu season by also emphasizing hand washing at home and keeping your children home if they are sick. Your child must be fever free for 24 hours without the help of medication and have not vomited or had a loose stool for 24 hours before they will be permitted back into the preschool.  Please help keep your children healthy and the staff!

Northminster Preschool is a non-profit preschool.  We rely heavily on fundraising to help us fund large improvement projects for the preschool.  We will be having fundraisers throughout the year. If you don't want to participate, or buy anything,  but you would still like to help, you can always make a straight donation to the preschool. Participation is always optional.  All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated!

Please make sure you drive slowly when you are in the preschool parking lot.  We have over 100 children and their parents transitioning from the parking lot to the preschool and back.  Please do not allow your child(ren) to run in the parking lot attended or unattended. Nothing is as important as the safety of the children and parents at preschool, so please drive safely.

Reminder, no child can be left in the car in the parking lot while you take your child into the preschool or pick your child up.  This is a violation of the California Vehicle Code. Please keep your children safe and with you!

Sharon Halle


Director's Newsletter Summer 2019

Dear Northminster Parents:

It is time that I now graduate from preschool! I will be moving to Arizona in August to be closer to my daughter while she continues to pursue her Veterinarian degree.

I can't believe it was over 20 years ago, back in 1998 when I was living in Pacific Beach in military housing when a friend asked me if I was enrolling my son and daughter into preschool. I was running an in-home daycare at the time and I said no. This thoughtful friend told me that preschool is a great environment for socializing my children outside of my home environment. She said she had her son's enrolled in a great preschool in Clairemont and that I should go check it out. That was my introduction to Northminster Preschool! I went from being a parent, to closing my daycare and becoming a summer teacher, to working my way up into the position of Director in 2005. Those years have passed rather quickly, and now I am moving on to the next chapter in my life. I have loved every minute of helping your children grow here at Northminster Preschool and beyond. This good-bye is bittersweet for me. It has been such a huge part of my life, helping your children along the way, and to say I will miss them and you, is an understatement! Thank you for sharing your most precious gift with me throughout these 20 years! I am honored and will cherish all of the memories I take with me.

Northminster Church and Pastor Jay are having a retirement service followed by a reception in the hall on Sunday, July 28, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. Anyone/everyone is invited to attend! There will be a bounce house available for the children to keep them occupied during the reception.

The good news is, we have hired my replacement already! The even better news is, for those of you who have been at the preschool, you know her. Sharon Halle is the new director of the preschool. Sharon has been at the preschool for 10 years. She started as an assistant in Room 2 with Mrs. Allen for 6 years. She moved into Room 4B as the lead, and has been there for the past 4 years. Sharon has been training with me since summer fun started and will continue to train with me through the month of August. She will be ready (and most importantly, willing and able) to take over as the director starting August 26, 2019.

Thank you to everyone, parents, staff and the church for 20 wonderful years!

Shelli Harder

Director's Newsletter May 2019

Dear Northminster Parents and Friends:

We have one more month of preschool and then Summer Camp!  The school year goes until Friday, June 7, 2019 and we will close at 5:00 p.m. that day.  Summer Camp begins on June 17th and runs through July 26th.  

June tuition is pro-rated for the one week of June.  If you are attending summer school, then your tuition is in June and July as separate line items for summer.

Our annual Art Celebration night is Friday, May 17th from 6-7 p.m.  We will be having a parent group sponsored, fundraising spaghetti dinner starting at 5:15 p.m.  Tickets are $5.00 (cash only please!) per adult, children eat free. Come and join Northminster Families for dinner before the art show!  We will also be having a silent auction in the hall from 5:00 – 6:30 p.m. The playground will be closed to children playing, for safety purposes.

Please keep an eye open for the Summer Camp letter and room assignments.  Those letters will be going home this month. Reminder that summer school hours are from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.  

The preschool will be closed Friday, May 24th and Monday, May 27th in observance of Memorial Day.  

Our May dine and donate will be at Panera from 4-8 p.m on Tuesday, May 7, 2019. Please watch for our flyer which you must take with you for the school to get credit.

The parent group enrichment program this month is Pacific Animal Productions.  We will have a group here that will be bringing in animals to show the children so they can learn about different animals in their environment.  Those shows will take place on Wednesday, May 29, 2019 and Thursday, May 30, 2019 in the fireside room. Parents are always welcome!

We will be having our last Parent Group meeting of the year on May 10, 2019.  We would love to see you there. We are looking for parents who are interested in helping next year.  Lunch will be provided and your child can go to lunch bunch for free!

On behalf of the entire staff at Northminster Preschool, we would like to thank you for all the small and large things you have done this year to make our school special.  You are amazing and we are blessed!

Director's Newsletter April 2019

Dear Northminster Preschool Parents and Friends:

Wow!  It’s spring already?  It never ceases to amaze me how the time goes by so fast and your little ones grow by leaps and bounds!  

Chapel is this Tuesday and Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary.

We will be holding an easter egg hunt on Thursday, April 18th and Friday, April 19th.  Please check with your child’s teacher regarding what their needs are for the hunt.

We have Bubblemania coming on April 23rd and 24th at 10:30 a.m. in Congdon Hall.  This is our April enrichment program provided by funds raised by the parent group!  Parents are always welcome to attend.

We also have our spring pictures Pony Pictures (yes a live pony!).  If you want to dress your child up in western wear the pictures will be taken April 9th and 10th.   Please check with your child’s teacher to find out what day pictures are if you are 5 days. Part of the proceeds are given back to the preschool for the pictures you buy. They take every child’s picture and then you can come in and preview the pictures before you buy.

We were able to raise $2,500.00 from the Mixed Bags Fundraiser.  If you missed out on this great fundraiser, you can still order online through the summer and we will still get proceeds from the online sales.  Our id number for online orders is 74479.

On Monday, April 22 the preschool will be doing a dine and donate fundraiser at Chipotle from 4:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Flyers will be available the week of April 15th.  33% of sales go back to the school.

If anyone has any gift cards, museum tickets, Padre tickets, etc. to donate for the Art Night Celebration Silent Auction, we are still accepting items.  If you know a local business that would like to donate, we have donation letters in the office you can take to the business with our tax ID number.

Our tax ID number is 95-2240662 and your statements for tax purposes are available on your smart tuition page.  Please contact them if you are having trouble accessing your account. Our school ID for Smart Tuition is 11494.  Their number is 888-868-8828.

The Parent Group is looking for new parents to become a part of the wonderful Northminster Preschool tradition.  The preschool relies heavily on the parent group to fundraise for classroom improvements and manipulatives, playground and facility improvements and special classroom supplies.  Please consider becoming a part of next year’s parent group. The parent group is meeting Friday, April 12th in the Fireside room. Lunch will be prepared for the parents and if you come, your child can eat lunch with the other children for free (bring a lunch for them).

I want to thank you for your time, hard work and commitment to our preschool.  Thank you for all that you do for us and thank you for sharing your children with us!    

Shelli Harder

Director's Newsletter March 2019

Dear Northminster Parents and Friends:

We are transitioning from the month of Love and Sea Life to spring and that cute little green man who comes to visit.  

The Parent Group meeting will be Friday, March 8, 2019 at noon.  We would love for you to come and see how you can be a part of Northminster Preschool’s Parent Group for next year.  Free lunch bunch for your child enrolled if you attend the meeting!

The preschool will be closed, Monday, March 11th for a professional growth day.  We will be re-certifying the entire staff in First-Aid.  Please make a note that this date changed from the calendar handed out at the beginning of the school year due to a schedule conflict with our trainer.

We will have Irish Dancer’s visiting on March 14th and March 15th, 2019 at 10:30 a.m. in Congdon Hall for our March enrichment program.  This program is courtesy of the parent group fundraising. Parents are welcome to attend!

On Tuesday, March 5th we will be having a dine and donate at Souplantation.  It is an all day event. We will hand out and email flyers the week before. This is a simple way to help out Northminster Preschool.

Chapel with Pastor Jay will be Tuesday, March 5th and Wednesday March 6th in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m.  Parents are welcome to attend!

Also, a reminder that spring break starts on Monday, March 25th and runs through March 29th with school re-opening on Monday, April 1st at 7:30 a.m.  

Our Mixed Bag Fundraiser starts Monday, March 4th. Last year we were able to raise over $2,000 for our outside bathroom remodel fund.  Please feel free to ask family and friends to participate in this fundraiser. Mixed Bags stands by all the products they sell. There will be a way for family and friends to participate on line if they live out of town.  Orders will be due in the office by Tuesday, March 19th.

Remember you can access your tax information for childcare by going onto your smart tuition account. Our school account is 11494. You can also call them at 888-868-8828. Our tax id number is:  95-2240662.

I want to thank all of you for your continued support of our program at Northminster Preschool.  We continue to strive to make sure that this program is the best in San Diego. My door is always open for you!

Shelli Harder

Director's Newsletter February 2019

Dear Northminster Parents and Friends:

Your children are getting ready for Valentine’s Day.  They will be learning songs about love, being polite and loving one another.  All classes celebrate Valentine’s Day and have special instructions for you for making valentines.  Please check with your child’s teacher.

School will be closed on Friday, February 15, 2019 and Monday, February 18, 2019 in observance of Lincoln and Washington birthdays.  

School will also be closed on Monday, March 11 for professional growth.  The entire staff will be re-certifying in first aid.

Our enrichment program this month, courtesy of the Parent Group, is two animal shows by The Living Coast.  The theme is animal movement. Those performance dates are February 20, 2019 and February 21, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in the fireside room.  Please check with your child’s teacher on which time they will be going.

The Parent Group meeting will be Friday, February 8, 2019 in the fireside room at noon, lunch is provided.  Please joins us!

Monday, February 4th is priority registration for children and siblings of children currently enrolled in the program.  We will be sending home registration packets for summer registration and fall registration.  If you have a new sibling coming into the program, please stop by the office and get a registration form and new child packet.  Your children have priority in the program, but please keep in mind your forms need to be in the office no later than Tuesday, February 19, 2019.  We have past-priority registration February 20th and open enrollment Tuesday, February 26, 2019.  Any spots available in the program on those days will be taken by new children.

While every effort will be made to honor teacher requests, the office reserves the right to fill classes based on age appropriateness, child dynamics and boy to girl ratios.  Also, please keep in mind that although your child has a spot in the preschool, it is still first come first served regarding how many days a week you would like.

Thank you to everyone who donated items, spent time sorting and even shopped at our rummage sale.  We were able to raise $ 250. More importantly, we were also able to help very important charities, M.O.M. (military outreach) and CCSA (Christian agency in Clairemont that helps Clairemont families) with the leftover items.  

If you are looking for tax documents for your tuition payments please contact or call 888-868-8828 or log on to your account and print the documents from your account.  The school account number is 11494.

Please remember to sign your child in and out each day.  This is a licensing requirement.  We also need to ask you to please write the times legibly.  Please also remember to sign your child up for lunch bunch and extended care even if you are on contract.   The sign-up sheets are used to make a master list for our lunch and after care staff.  Thank you!

As cold and flu season is now in full swing, I would like to remind parents that if your child is sick with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea you must keep them home until they are symptom free without medication for 24 hours.  Also, if your child has an excessive runny nose, you need to keep them home. A child, whose nose needs to be wiped consistently in an hour, constitutes excess. This applies even if the doctor states the child is not contagious.  It is very hard to keep toys and hands clean when the nose is constantly running. Thank you for your understanding.

I wanted to thank all the parents who have signed up for snack this year.  The reason we have snack sign up is because we are limited on what we can serve 95 children a day and this gives you the opportunity to introduce a favorite snack of your child to the other children.  It also gives you the opportunity to go shopping with your child, pick out a healthy snack and make it into a fun teachable moment for you and your child. It is completely voluntary but very much appreciated!  Remember to represent 2 food groups for your snack.\

Your children are a precious gift to us and we love the opportunity to teach them and care for them every day!

Shelli Harder


Director's Newsletter January 2019

Happy New Year everyone!

Welcome back!  We are into the swing of the New Year already.  We are excited to be back and are looking forward to a great 2019 with your children.

On Tuesday, January 8, 2019 and Wednesday, January 9, 2019 at 9:30 a.m. we will be having Chapel with Pastor Jay.  Parents are welcome to attend!

Tuesday January 15th and Wednesday January 16th 2019 we will have the Jack Straws Pirate show at 10:30 in the hall.  Parents are welcome to attend.

On January 17th we are having a dine and donate at Rubio’s from 4-8 p.m.  We will send out flyers for the event.

The preschool will be closed on Monday, January 21, 2019 in observance of Martin Luther King Holiday.

Our Parent Group meeting is Friday, January 18, 2019 at noon.  Lunch is provided for you. We would love to see you there.

We are having our annual preschool rummage sale on Saturday, January 26, 2019 from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.  Please feel free to clean out your children’s toys (gently used with all pieces), books (children and adult reading), strollers, high chairs, clothing (children only), mini kitchens, bikes, little tike’s structures, changing tables, etc.  We cannot accept cribs or car seats.  All proceeds go to the parent group for our bathroom renovation fund.  Any leftover donations will be in turn donated to MOM. A military outreach program.  All donations are tax deductible and we have tax forms in the office. We will need volunteers to sort  the week leading up to the sale. The rummage sale will be open on Friday, January 25th from 9-1 for our parents to shop first.  Come and check it out!

Since we are going into the heavy cold and flu months, please remember to keep your child home if they have an excessively runny nose, fever, diarrhea, or vomiting.  State regulations require your child to be symptom free for 24 hours before returning to school. We want to keep everyone happy and healthy this year!

A safety reminder for all parents, please make sure you are opening the gate for your children only.  Please do not hold the gates open for others.  Please go slow in the parking lot. Please don’t allow your children to run in the parking lot.  There is a lot of activity at drop off and pick up and we want to make sure everyone is safe at all times.

On behalf of the entire staff we wish you a happy and healthy 2019!  


December 2018 Director's Newsletter

Dear Northminster Preschool Parents & Friends:

It is hard to believe December is upon us already!  It just seems like yesterday we were starting a new year of preschool.  We have had some tears, much laughter, and a lot of fun since September and we have made many new friends.

Our Kids Craft Workshop and Vendor Boutique was Saturday, December 1.  Thank you to everyone who participated, created, volunteered, donated, baked, and all around did a fantastic job!  We were able to make $3,500! The money we are raising is going into a fund to update the outside bathrooms on the playground.  We need around $30,000. So far the parent group has raised in the past couple of years, $15,000. We are halfway there!! Thank you everyone!

We will be having our annual children’s rummage sale on Saturday, January 26th.  If you are planning on cleaning out your children’s dressers and toy boxes, please consider saving those items for our rummage sale.  The only items we cannot take are cribs and car seats.  Otherwise, any strollers, bikes, high chairs, changing tables, toys, little tikes tables, play structures, books, clothing items ages newborn – 7 years and maternity clothing, we will take!  It is tax deductible and any items we do not sell are donated to the military outreach, MOM.

Chapel will be Wednesday, December 5th and Thursday, December 6th in the sanctuary.

Pastor Jay would like to invite the preschool families to their Christmas events in December.  Please check out the preschool bulletin board across from Room 1 or check out our website for upcoming church events.  Our website is

We will have a very special guest (shhhh, its Santa!) on December 20th and 21st in the Fireside Room at 10:30 a.m. You are invited to come.

Christmas break starts at noon on December 21, 2018 through January 4, 2019.  School will start again on Monday, January 7, 2019 at 7:30 a.m.  

On Friday, December 21, 2018 we will be closing at 12:00 p.m.  There will be no lunch bunch or extended care available that day.

The parent group will be meeting on Friday, December 14, 2018 at noon in the Fireside Room.  Lunch will be provided. Please come join us!

If you are traveling this month, please make it a safe trip.  

On behalf of all of us at Northminster Preschool, I want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2019!


November 2018 Directors Newsletter

Dear Northminster Preschool Parents and Friends:

This is a month for giving thanks.  I would like to thank all the parents who have brought in special snacks, volunteered, participated in the parent group meetings, signed up to help with fundraisers, and all of the other big and small things you do to help make Northminster a special preschool.

We will be doing our second annual Kids’ Craft Workshop and Vendor Boutique on Saturday, December 1, 2018 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  We will be sending out a google doc soon and we need your help! Please consider signing up for a craft table to help the children make crafts for decorations and/or Christmas gifts.  Thank you to the workshop committee for making this exciting event happen again this year! We will be auctioning off class baskets on December 1st as well.  Each class will have a basket theme and we are asking families to donate items to the basket to be auctioned off.

Our second dine-n-donate is Tuesday, November 6, 2018 at Mountain Mike’s Pizza in Clairemont, all day.  Please consider going there for lunch or dinner. They will donate 20% of the proceeds to the preschool! Don’t forget to bring the flyer we will be distributing so our school gets the credit.

Our parent group meeting is Friday, November 9, 2018 at noon.  If you come to the meeting your child eats during lunch bunch for free!  Lunch will be served to the parents attending. Please bring a lunch for your child. We would love to see you there! 

Our enrichment program this month is Eric Runningpath.  He is a Native American Dancer who does a show in Congdon Hall on November 13th and 14th.  He dresses in full Native American regalia, dances and teaches the children about his culture.  He has been performing at the preschool for over 20 years.  You are more than welcome to come and watch!  The show starts at 10:30 a.m.

We are also doing a food drive for CCSA, a community service agency that helps feed the homeless and those in need in the Clairemont area.  There will be a box outside the office next week for the collection. The agency needs stuffing mix, canned fruit, canned cranberry sauce, chicken broth, mashed potato mix, canned green beans, canned gravy, cake mix, bags of rice and bags of beans.  Please make sure the items you donate are not expired food items.  Thank you for your generosity.

We will be closed on Monday, November 12, 2018 in observance of Veteran’s Day.  We will also be closed the week of November 19-23 for Thanksgiving break.

The staff and I would like to thank you for sharing your children with us.  They are special, we love them, and our jobs!

Shelli Harder

October 2018 Director's Newsletter

Happy October everyone!  We are getting into our routine of preschool with your children and hope that they are enjoying school as much as we are enjoying having them here!

We have our first Dine-N-Donate fundraiser coming up on October 4th at Blaze Pizza.  Please bring in the flyer or show the flyer on your phone when you pay! 20% of the food sales will be returned to Northminster!  

Picture days are Tuesday, October 23rd and Wednesday, October 24th.  We have an amazing photographer who takes his time to make sure he gets a good picture of every student.  We sometimes run late on picture day. Please bring your pink envelope in with payment to your child’s teacher or the office.  Satisfaction guaranteed

Open House is Friday, October 26, 2018 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m..  All are welcome, including grandparents! We will be having an ice cream social put on by our parent group, depending on the weather!  Ice cream will be $2.00. Don’t forget to bring cash! We will also have a book fair!

The classrooms are transforming as we speak, getting ready for that special day at the end of October.  We have a Halloween Parade on Tuesday, October 30th, and Wednesday, October 31st around 9:15-9:20 a.m. Please, no masks or weapons if you choose to have your child dress up. Ask your child’s teacher about their procedure for this event.  You are invited to stay and take pictures! This is one of my favorite events and you don’t want to miss it

Our enrichment programs start this month.  Our parent group fundraising allows us to have a special enrichment program each month.  This month we will have a Magic show performed by Dana the Magician. Those shows will be in the Hall on Tuesday, October 9th and Wednesday, October 10th at 10:30 a.m.  Parents are welcome to attend all enrichment shows!

Reminder, please sign-in and out every day.  This is a state requirement as well as how we do our billing system.  Please also remember at the end of the month, the office reads 100+ time sheets.  Please make sure the times are legible and correct. We can only go by what we can decipher on the sheet for billing purposes.  Also, please do not allow your child to sign in or out on their sheet. This is a legal document required by State Licensing with your signature.  Thank you.

I would also like to remind parents that you need to please keep your children home if they are sick.  The only way to keep your children healthy here is if you help us by keeping your children home when they are sick.  If they have a persistent cough and runny nose and are not feeling well, they need to stay home or see a doctor. If they have a fever, vomit, or have had diarrhea, they must be symptom free for 24 hours without medication before they are allowed back at preschool.  Please help us keep the children and staff at Northminster Preschool healthy!

The parent group meeting this month is Friday, October 12, 2018.  Lunch will be provided to the parents attending the meeting. Remember, lunch bunch is free for your child if you attend the meeting.  Lunch bunch is for registered children in the preschool only. Please bring your child a lunch to eat with their friends!

Parents, a safety reminder about our gates, please make sure you are only opening the gate for you and your child.  I understand wanting to be courteous to the other parents, but our number one priority at this preschool is safety.  We rely on our parents to keep a watchful eye when they are opening and closing the 4 gates we have entering our preschool.  Thank you for your understanding.

Please drive slowly in the parking lot. We have 95 children a day at drop off.  It is also against the California State Vehicle code to leave your child unattended in the car during drop-off or pick-up.

As I walk around the school each day, I am reminded of all the efforts past and present that the parents have done to help make Northminster Preschool one of the best in this area.  It is because of parents like you that we are able to look at our school both inside and out and be proud of both the physical plant and the teachers and staff who make it special. I am extremely grateful to be the Director of Northminster Preschool.  We have an amazing group of parents, children and staff here. We are so blessed! Thank you for all you do as parents to make it a pleasure to do my job.

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please stop by the office.

Shelli Harder

September 2018 Newsletter

Welcome back everyone!  We are so happy to see our returning students and all our new students.  

For those of you who are returning, I want to remind you that the preschool hours are 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. Any pick up after 5:00 p.m. is $3.00/minute. Extended care is held in Room 4 (Red doors) for room’s 2-4 and Room 1 (green doors) for room’s A, B,1A and 1B.  Pick up after 4:00 p.m. will be in Room 1 this year (green door). Please use the gate by the office after 4:00 p.m. as we will lock all other gates at 4:00.

All fees are collected by Smart Tuition.  Tuition is due on the first of each month, with a grace period until the 5th.  Tuition not processed on the 5th by smart tuition will be subject to a late fee of $65.00.  You can always go on line to your account and make a one-time payment with your credit card or your debit card if you forget to mail your check in on time.  Please make sure you allow enough time for it to be received via the mail and processed.

Because of the billing system, extended care will be in arrears 2 months.  This means you will have an outstanding balance for extended care at least a month after services have already been rendered.

Please make sure you drive slowly when you are in the preschool parking lot.  We have 95 children and their parents transitioning from the parking lot to the preschool and back.   Nothing is as important as the safety of the children and parents at preschool, so please drive safely.

Reminder, no child can be left in the car in the parking lot while you take your child into the preschool or pick your child up.  This is a violation of the California Vehicle Code. Please keep your children safe and with you!

Please do not allow your child(ren) to run or play in the parking lot attended or unattended.  

The Department of Social Services does not allow adult use of the preschool restrooms on the playground, or to be in the bathroom on the playground when other children are present.  If you need to use a restroom for your personal use, please ask a staff member where the adult restroom is located. Thank you for helping us to comply with the State of California Licensing requirements!

If you are coming to drop your child off at early morning, before 9:00 a.m., please make sure you check-in with the teacher working early morning.   Once your child is signed in, he/she must stay on the playground. If you come to the preschool before 9:00 a.m. but are not going to leave your child in early morning, please make sure you and your child remain off the playground.  It is very hard to keep track of which children are in early morning and which children are with their parents, if you are on the playground at the same time. Thank you for your understanding of our desire to keep this transition period safe for all of the children.  The classrooms open at 8:55 a.m. Please remain outside the classroom until this time.

When you pick up your child at 12:00 p.m. please do not allow your child to play on the playground.  Our lunch bunch children are required to sit at the picnic table to eat their lunch for at least 20 minutes before they play.  It is confusing for the children in lunch bunch to see children playing on the playground when they are not allowed to do so.

On Thursdays and Fridays, you have the option to sign-up for snack.  We provide snack but since we are limited in the variety we can provide to 95 students, we have found that parents enjoy bringing something different or “special” for a day.  We have been told the children enjoy shopping and picking something out for their classmates. This is a voluntary sign-up. You do not have to participate. There will be snack calendars posted by your child’s door every month if you chose to participate.  The snack needs to be from 2 food groups. If you do bring snack, please check with your child’s teacher for food allergies in the classroom. They have a list of food allergies and can let you know if there is a specific allergy in the classroom. We do not prepare any snack with peanuts in them.  We do, however allow peanut butter to be brought from home if your child is staying for lunch bunch. Also, we are requesting you bring healthy snacks for the children whenever you sign up for a snack. Thank you for helping us promote healthy eating habits!

On Friday, September 14, 2018, at 12:00 p.m. we will be having our first parent group meeting in the Fireside Room (by the office, off the kitchen).  All parents are welcome to come and share their fundraising ideas. We also have positions we need filled for the parent group. Your children can attend lunch bunch for free if you attend the meeting.  Our parent group is a vital part of the preschool and we welcome all new parents to attend. Thank you for your support!

As a reminder, we are diligent on proper hand washing techniques and sending children home who are sick.  We need your help this flu season by also emphasizing hand washing at home and keeping your children home if they are sick. Your children must be fever free for 24 hours without the help of medication and have not vomited or had a loose stool for 24 hours before they will be permitted back into the preschool.  Please help keep your children healthy and the staff!

Northminster Preschool is a non-profit preschool.  We rely heavily on fundraising to help us fund large improvement projects for the preschool.  We will be having fundraisers throughout the year. If you don't want to participate, or buy anything, you can always make a straight donation to the preschool.  Participation is always optional. All donations are tax deductible and greatly appreciated!

We are looking forward to a wonderful school year with you and your children.  I am always available if you have any questions or concerns and if not, please stop by to say hello!


Shelli Harder


June 2018 Newsletter

Just a reminder next week is our last week of school before our summer prep and summer program starts. 

Friday, June 8th is a full day of preschool from 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.  We are closed the week of June 11th for summer prep and will reopen Monday, June 18th at 8:00 a.m.  Summer hours for the core program are 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. with early drop off at 8:00 a.m. and afternoon pick up by 4:30 p.m.

I would like to take this opportunity to inform you that after 27 years at Northminster Preschool, Mrs. Alcala, our room 3 lead teacher is retiring.  We are very excited that after all these years, she gets to graduate from preschool!

Thank you Mrs. Alcala for 27 years of dedication and teaching so many young children of Clairemont and the surrounding area and getting them ready for Kindergarten.  We will miss you!!



May 2018 Newsletter

Dear Northminster Parents and Friends:

We have one more month of preschool and then Summer Camp!  The school year goes until June 8, 2018, we will have our usual school hours that day from 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.  

The preschool will be closed on Monday, May 28, 2018 in observance of Memorial Day.  Also, please keep an eye open for the Summer Camp letter and room assignments. Those letters will be going home on Monday, June 4, 2018 and Tuesday, June 5, 2018.  

Summer Camp starts Monday, June 18, 2018 at 8:00 a.m. and school closes in the summer at 4:30 p.m.

Our wonderful annual Art Night is Friday, May 18, 2018.  Dinner starts at 5:15 p.m. The cost is $5.00 for adults and 12 years and younger are free!  Dinner is payable at the door. We will also be holding a silent auction during dinner on the stage.  We are putting together some fun packages, so you can shop and support Northminster after you have had dinner!  The classrooms will open at 6:00 p.m. for the Art Show.

The parent group enrichment program this month is Pacific Animal Productions.  We will have a group here that will be bringing in animals to show the children, so they can learn about the different animals in their environment.  Those shows will take place on Tuesday, May 22, 2018 and Wednesday, May 23, 2018 in the fireside room. The show starts at 10:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

We will be having our last Parent Group meeting of the year on May 11, 2018.  We would love to see you there. We are looking for parents who are interested in helping with fundraising ideas for next year.  Lunch will be provided for you and your child can go to lunch bunch for free!

On behalf of the entire staff at Northminster Preschool, we would like to thank you for all the small and large things you have done this year to make our school special.  Not only have you shared your unique skills with the children, you have donated supplies, time and love whenever we have needed it. You are an amazing group of parents and I wanted to let you know that what you do for us does not go unnoticed!  



April 2018 Newsletter

Dear Northminster Preschool Parents and Friends:

Wow!  It’s spring already?  It never ceases to amaze me how the time goes by so fast and your little ones grow by leaps and bounds!  

Since it is now April, I want to remind parents that if you want to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher to check on their progress, please feel free to do so.  We do not set aside a specific conference week, so if you feel you need to touch base with your child’s teacher feel free to ask for one with your teacher.

The office continues to work on classroom assignments for the summer and next fall.  If you signed up for Summer, we will be sending out a letter at the beginning of June with classroom and teacher assignments.  The fall class assignment letter will go out during the summer.

We have Bubblemania coming on April 24th and 25th at 10:30 a.m. in Congdon Hall.  This is our April enrichment program provided by funds raised by the parent group!  Parents are always welcome to attend.

We also have our spring pictures Pony Pictures (yes a live pony!).  If you want to dress your child up in western wear the pictures will be taken April 17th and 18th.   Part of the proceeds are given back to the preschool for the pictures you buy. They take everyone’s picture and then you can come in and preview the pictures before you buy.

Mixed bags are due this Friday, checks made payable to the preschool.

This Friday, April 6, 2018 the preschool will be doing a parent’s night out fundraiser at Spice & Soul from 5:30 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Flyers are going home today and tomorrow.  15% of sales come back to the preschool. You must take a flyer in order for the preschool to get credit for your order. Join other parents for a fun night out!

If anyone has any gift cards, museum tickets, Padre tickets, etc. to donate for the Art Night Celebration Silent Auction, we are still accepting items.  If you know a local business that would like to donate, we have donation letters in the office you can take to the business with our tax ID number.

The Parent Group is looking for new parents to become a part of the wonderful Northminster Preschool tradition.  The preschool relies heavily on the parent group to fundraise for classroom improvements and manipulatives, playground and facility improvements and special classroom supplies.  Please consider becoming a part of next year’s parent group. The parent group is meeting Friday, April 13th in the Fireside room. Lunch will be prepared for the parents and if you come, your child can eat lunch with the other children for free (bring a lunch for them).

I want to thank you for your time, hard work and commitment to our preschool.  Thank you for all that you do for us and thank you for sharing your children with us!    

Shelli Harder

March 2018 Newsletter

Dear Northminster Parents and Friends:

We are transitioning from the month of Love to spring and that cute little green man who comes to visit.  

The Parent Group meeting will be Friday, March 9, 2018 at noon.  We would love for you to come and see how you can be a part of Northminster Preschool’s Parent Group for next year.  Free lunch bunch for your child enrolled if you attend the meeting!

We will have Irish Dancer’s visiting on March 15th and March 16th, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. in Congdon Hall for our March enrichment program.  This program is courtesy of the parent group fundraising.

Spring break starts on Monday, March 26th and runs through March 30th with school re-opening on Monday, April 2nd at 7:30 a.m.  

We are doing another Mixed Bags fundraiser this month.  Packets will be going out on Monday March 19th. Don't forget to share with family and friends!

We will have Chapel on Tuesday, March 6th and Wednesday March 7th with Pastor Jay in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m.

I want to thank all of you for your continued support of our program at Northminster Preschool.  We continue to strive to make sure that this program is the best in San Diego. My door is always open for you!

Shelli Harder

February 2018 Newsletter

Dear Northminster Parents and Friends:

Your children are getting ready for Valentine’s Day.  They will be learning songs about love, being polite and loving one another.  All classes celebrate Valentine’s Day and have special instructions for you for making valentines.  Please check with your child’s teacher.  

I would like to take the opportunity to formally introduce Northminster Presbyterian Church’s new Pastor, Jay Shirley. He formally came on as the Pastor this month.  Pastor Jay has been down to greet you a few times this month. The preschool is very excited to have Pastor Jay here and we will be starting up Chapel again this month!  We will be going to the sanctuary 2 days a month to sing songs and listen to a story.  Chapel this month is February 6th and 7th at 9:30 a.m.  You are welcome to join us!

School will be closed on Friday, February 16, 2018 and Monday, February 19, 2018 in observance of Lincoln and Washington birthdays.  

School will also be closed on Friday, March 2 for professional growth.  The entire staff will be re-certifying in CPR.

Our enrichment program this month, courtesy of the Parent Group, is two animal shows by The Living Coast.  The theme is animal movement. Those performance dates are February 21, 2018 and February 22, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. and 10:45 a.m. in the fireside room.  Please check with your child’s teacher on which time they will be going.

The Parent Group meeting will be Friday, February 9, 2018 in the fireside room at noon, lunch is provided.  Please joins us!

Tuesday, February 20th is priority registration for children and siblings of children currently enrolled in the program.  We will be sending home registration packets for summer fun registration and fall registration.  If you have a new sibling coming into the program, please stop by the office and get a registration form and new child packet.  Your children have priority in the program, but please keep in mind your forms need to be in the office no later than March 1, 2018.  We have past-priority registration March 1, 2018 and open enrollment March 5, 2018.  Any spots available in the program on those days will be taken by new children.

While every effort will be made to honor teacher requests, the office reserves the right to fill classes based on age appropriateness, child dynamics and boy to girl ratios.  Also, please keep in mind that although your child has a spot in the preschool, it is still first come first served regarding how many days a week you would like.  

As cold and flu season is now in full swing, I would like to remind parents that if your child is sick with a fever, vomiting, or diarrhea you must keep them home until they

are symptom free without medication for 24 hours.  Also, if your child has an excessive runny nose, you need to keep them home.  A child, whose nose needs to be wiped consistently in an hour, constitutes excess.  This applies even if the doctor states the child is not contagious.  It is very hard to keep toys and hands clean when the nose is constantly running.  We teach the children clean hands and noses while at preschool, but we cannot be at the ready with a Kleenex in hand with one child, let alone multiple children.  This is for the health and safety of all the children as well as the staff.  Thank you for your understanding.

I would also like to request that no toys from home be brought to school to play with in the classroom or the playground (this excludes the sharing box/bag and lovies for nap).  Please keep them at home or in your car.  It is very difficult to keep track of special toys that inevitably get lost on the playground and in the classroom.  It also creates problems when those toys are not shared.  Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you to everyone who donated items, spent time sorting and even shopped at our rummage sale.  We were able to raise $1000.00.  More importantly, we were also able to help very important charities M.O.M. (military outreach) and CCSA (Christian agency in Clairemont that helps Clairemont families) with the left over items.  

Please remember to sign your child in and out each day.  This is a licensing requirement.  We also need to ask you to please write the times legibly.  Please also remember to sign your child up for lunch bunch and extended care even if you are on contract.   The sign-up sheets are used to make a master list for our lunch and after care staff.  Thank you!

I wanted to thank all the parents who have signed up for snack this year.  The reason we have snack sign up is because we are limited on what we can serve 95 children a day and this gives you the opportunity to introduce a favorite snack of your child to the other children.  It also gives you the opportunity to go shopping with your child, pick out a healthy snack and make it into a fun teachable moment for you and your child.  It is completely voluntary but very much appreciated!  Remember to represent 2 food groups for your snack.

Your children are a precious gift to us and we love the opportunity to teach them and care for them every day!

Shelli Harder
