Happy October everyone! We are getting into our routine of preschool with your children and hope that they are enjoying school as much as we are enjoying having them here!
The parent group meeting this month is Friday, October 11, 2019. Please join us to meet other families and see what is going on at Northminster. Remember, lunch bunch is free for your registered child if you attend the meeting.
Open House is Friday, October 18, 2019 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. All are welcome, including grandparents! Your children have been working hard and this is your first chance to really see how creative they are. You will also have a chance to meet their friends and their families. We will be having an ice cream social put on by our parent group, depending on the weather! The Ice cream social and book fair will be a cash only event!
The classrooms are transforming as we speak, getting ready for that special day at the end of October. We have a Halloween Parade on Wednesday, October 30th and Thursday, October 31st around 9:20 a.m. Please, no masks or weapons if you choose to have your child dress up. Ask your child’s teacher about their procedure for this event. You are invited to stay and take pictures! This is one of our favorite events and you don’t want to miss it!
Our parent group fundraising allows us to have a special enrichment program each month. This month we will have a Magic show on October 15th and October 16th at 10:30 a.m. in Congdon Hall. You are welcome to come and watch the show!
Reminder, please sign-in and out every day. This is a state requirement as well as how we do our billing system. Please make sure the times are legible and correct. Remember at the end of the month, the office reads 100+ time sheets. We can only go by what we can decipher on the sheet for billing purposes. If your child is staying for lunch bunch and beyond please sign the lunch bunch sheet at the front of the folder, even if you are on contract.
I would also like to remind parents that you need to please keep your children home if they are sick. The only way to keep your children healthy here is if you help us by keeping your children home when they are sick. If they have a persistent cough and runny nose and are not feeling well, they need to stay home or see a doctor. If they have a fever, vomited, or have had diarrhea, they must be symptom free without medication for 24 hours before they are allowed back at preschool. Please help us keep the children and staff at Northminster Preschool healthy!
Ouch reports are our way of telling you that your child got hurt at preschool. These are usually minor scrapes or bumps. We take safety, well-being and health of your child very seriously. If an injury happens that requires additional attention we will call you/emergency contact immediately. Otherwise rest assured that attention has been given to soothe and care for the child.
Parents, a safety statement about our gates, please make sure you are only opening the gate for you and your child. I understand wanting to be courteous to the other parents, but our number one priority at this preschool is safety. We rely on our parents to keep a watchful eye when they are opening and closing the 4 gates we have entering our preschool. Thank you for your understanding.
Please remember to sign in your child for lunch bunch. You will find the sign-in sheet inside the front cover of the folder for your classroom. Our goal at lunch bunch is to have your child eat their healthy options first. If they have a treat or juice box and are staying for nap they will be given water with lunch and then offered their treats after nap. As always you may include a water bottle in your child’s bag.
A lost and found bin has been placed on the playground near the cubbies. We already have a few items in it. If you missing clothing, barrettes, utensils or a water bottle please check there.
On October 24th Northminster Preschool will be hosting a Kindergarten Information Night. We have invited local private, public and charter elementary schools as well as a representative from the SDUSD Choice Office. Our school fair format allows you to ask questions about the schools in your area so you can figure out which one is a good fit for your family. We only host this event every other year so be sure to stop by this year!
We are still accepting vendors for our Kid’s Craft Workshop and Vendor boutique on Dec. 7th! Please help us spread the word so we can make this event a huge success! All of the event information is our our website under events.
It is because of parents like you that we are able to look at our school both inside and out and be proud of both the physical school and the teachers and staff who make it special. I am extremely grateful to be the Director of Northminster Preschool. We have an amazing group of parents, children and staff here. We are so blessed! Thank you for all you do as parents to make it a pleasure to do my job.
As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please stop by the office.
Sharon Halle