Dear Northminster Parents and Friends:
We are transitioning from the month of Love and Sea Life to spring and that cute little green man who comes to visit.
The Parent Group meeting will be Friday, March 10, 2017 at noon. We would love for you to come and see how you can be a part of Northminster Preschool’s Parent Group for next year. Free lunch bunch for your child enrolled if you attend the meeting!
The preschool will be closed, Monday, March 13th for a professional growth day. We will be re-certifying the entire staff in First-Aid.
We will have Irish Dancer’s visiting on March 16th and March 17th, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. in Congdon Hall for our March enrichment program. This program is courtesy of the parent group fundraising.
Please also remember that priority registration is until March 7, 2017. We need to have all your paperwork in for both Summer Camp and Fall registration by March 7, 2017. We have past priority registration on March 8, 2017. After this date, all open spots will be filled from our waiting list. You are guaranteed a spot in the preschool for priority registration, however, the amount of days you request is on a first come, first served basis. If you do not get your paperwork in on time (by March 7, 2017), we cannot guarantee a spot for your child.
Also, a reminder that spring break starts on Monday, March 27th and runs through March 31st with school re-opening on Monday, April 3rd at 7:30 a.m.
Our Mixed Bag Fundraiser brought in $2,000.00! That is our best year yet. If you missed out on the fundraiser or want to buy more things, our on-line account is open until July. Their website is and our school code is 74479. The link is also on our website at
I want to thank all of you for your continued support of our program at Northminster Preschool. We continue to strive to make sure that this program is the best in San Diego. My door is always open for you!
Shelli Harder