Welcome back everyone! We are so happy to see our returning students and all of the new faces.
Please bring any paperwork that you have yet to turn in, into the office the first day of school. We must have your child's paperwork and immunization card before your child can attend school. This is a state law.
Preschool hours are 7:30 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. If your child is going to be staying for nap, please make sure you bring 2 beach towels for your child’s napping mat. Extended care is held in Room 4 (Red doors) for Room’s 2-4 and Room 1 (green doors) for Room’s A,B,1A and 1B. Please use the gate by the red door and the office as we lock all other gates during nap time.
Please remember to sign your child in for lunch bunch and nap in the front of your child's sign-in folder. This is a very important process so we can have an accurate account of all children staying and so that we may staff appropriately. If you are a returning student, this applies to you as well. It really makes our job easier if we know who is staying on a daily basis.
Please, please remember to sign in and out every day! It is a state licensing requirement and it is also how we bill at the end of the month.
All fees are collected by Smart Tuition. Tuition is due on the first of each month, with a grace period until the 5th. Tuition collected after the close of business on the 5th will be subject to a late fee of $60.00. You can always go on line to your account and make a one-time payment with your credit card or your debit card if you forget to mail your check in on time. Please make sure you allow enough time for it to be received via the mail and be processed.
Because of how the billing system works, extended care will be in arrears 2 months. This means you will have an outstanding balance for extended care 2 months after services have already been rendered. For instance, if you use early morning, lunch bunch or extended care in September, you will not see it on your bill until November of this year.
Picture Day is October 5th and 6th. We have an amazing photographer who does our school photos. He has been with us for over 20 years. The background for this year’s photos will be posted on the office door. You will not be disappointed with your child’s picture, even if you do not think they will smile. He gets them all to smile!
Please make sure you drive slowly when you are in the preschool parking lot. We have 95 children and their parents transitioning from the parking lot to the preschool and back. Nothing is as important as the safety of the children and parents at preschool, so please drive safely. Also, please do not allow your children to play in the parking lot at drop off or pick up. The parking lot is not a safe place to teach your children to play.
The Department of Social Services does not allow adult use of the preschool restrooms on the playground, or to be in the bathroom on the playground when other children are present. The staff has one bathroom for 19 teachers! Please, if your child needs to use the restroom, use the one on the playground and stand outside the door, or wait until 9:15 to use the staff bathroom. The teachers have one opportunity to go to the restroom before school starts.
If you are coming to drop your child off at early morning, before 9:00 a.m., please make sure you check-in with the teacher working early morning. Once your child is signed in, he/she must stay on the playground. If you come to the preschool before 9:00 a.m. but are not going to leave your child in early morning, please make sure you and your child remain off the playground. It is very hard to keep track of which children are in early morning and which children are with their parents, if you are on the playground at the same time. Thank you for your understanding of our desire to keep this transition period safe for all of the children. The classrooms open at 8:55 a.m. Please remain outside the classroom until this time.
When you pick up your child at 12:00 p.m. please do not allow your child to play on the playground. Our lunch bunch children are required to sit at the picnic table to eat their lunch for at least 20 minutes before they play. It is confusing for the children in lunch bunch to see children playing on the playground when they are not allowed to do so.
On Thursdays and Fridays you have the option to sign-up for snack. We provide snack but since we are limited in the variety we can provide to 95 students, we have found that parents enjoy bringing something different or “special” for a day. We have been told the children enjoy shopping and picking something out for their classmates. This is a voluntary sign-up. You do not have to participate. There will be snack calendars posted at your child’s door every month if you choose to participate. The snack needs to be from 2 food groups. If you do bring snack, please check with your child’s teacher for food allergies in the classroom. They have a list of food allergies and can let you know if there is a specific allergy in the classroom. We are a peanut free facility. We do not prepare any snack with peanuts in them. We do, however allow peanut butter to be brought from home if your child is staying for lunch bunch. Also, we are requesting you bring healthy snacks for the children whenever you sign up for a snack. Thank you for helping us to promote healthy eating habits!
On Friday, September 16, 2016, at 12:00 p.m. we will be having our first parent group meeting in the Fireside Room (by the office, off the kitchen). All parents are welcome to come and share their fundraising ideas. We also have positions we need filled for the parent group. We have our biggest fundraiser, our carnival, on Saturday, November 5, 2016. We need your help to put on this magnificent day! Your children can attend lunch bunch for free if you attend the meeting. Our parent group is a vital part of the preschool and we welcome all new parents to attend. Thank you for your support!
Northminster Preschool is a non-profit preschool. We rely heavily on fundraising to help us fund large improvement projects for the preschool. We are requesting that all parents donate 2 hours of their time for either our Carnival preparation or during the Carnival. This fundraiser services the entire community of Clairemont and it cannot be successful without your help!
As a reminder, we are diligent on proper hand washing techniques and sending children home who are sick. We need your help this flu season by also emphasizing hand washing at home and keeping your children home if they are sick. Your children must be fever free for 24 hours without the help of medication and have not vomited or had a loose stool for 24 hours before they will be permitted back into the preschool. Please help keep your children healthy and the staff!
No child can be left in the car in the parking lot while you take your child into the preschool or pick your child up. This is a violation of the California Vehicle Code. Please keep your children safe and with you!
We are looking forward to a wonderful school year with you and your children. I am always available if you have any questions or concerns and if not, please stop by to say hello!