Dear Northminster Preschool Parents and Friends:
This is a month for giving thanks and I would like to thank ALL of the carnival committee volunteers, the parent volunteers, the parent contributors, the parent group members, the room mom’s, the silent auction participants and the raffle participants for their contributions so far this year! Wow! We cannot hold this large of a fundraiser without each and every one of you and I am so grateful for all of you and your tireless efforts to pull off another successful preschool carnival.
We are still in need of booth sponsors and volunteers for the day of the carnival. We also need bake sale items labeled and dropped off Friday morning. Thank you!!
Please remember the carnival is open to all of your neighbors, friends and relatives. Please extend an invitation to spend the day with us. If you know any alumni families who are in your neighborhood, please remind them they are welcome too!
The Carnival is Saturday November 5th from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
I would like to remind all of the parents that as we get into the full swing of the year, there are many opportunities to participate in fundraisers, volunteer your time, or your talents. We seem to be asking a lot of our parents this time of year, and I would like to remind you that giving 2 hours this year is greatly appreciated! Our fundraising can only be successful with your help. Your fundraising dollars in the past have beautified our school in countless ways and the play yard in the front and the back are some examples. We are looking to possibly update the outside bathrooms this summer! As you may guess, we need your help. The plumbing is around 45 years old.
Our enrichment program this month is Eric Runningpath. He is a Native American Dancer who does a show in Congdon Hall on November 16th and 17th. He dresses in full Native American regalia, dances and teaches the children about his culture. He has been performing at the preschool for over 20 years. You are more than welcome to come and watch! The show starts at 10:30 a.m.
A few calendar reminders for you. We will be closed on Friday, November 11, 2016 in observance of Veteran’s Day. We will also be closed the week of November 21-25 for Thanksgiving break.
Our value of the month is appropriately “Being Thankful”! The entire preschool staff is thankful and appreciative of all the parents and children here at Northminster and feel very blessed to be able to be a part of your lives for the short time you are with us.
If you ever have any questions, concerns or feedback, my door is always open!
Shelli Harder